Community Support

Services offered by the Community Support team

Friendly visitsA volunteer can visit you for one hour per week.

Friendly callsA volunteer can call you according to your needs.

Medical accompanimentsA volunteer accompanies you to the medical clinic or your appointments at the hospital to keep you company.

Grocery and shopping accompanimentsA volunteer accompanies you to the grocery store or other stores to assist you according to your needs.

Information and referenceOur team can assist you in your medical or other inquiries and refer you to other resources where appropriate.

Medical transportationYou need to qualify to access this service. Call us for more information.

Please note: You need a membership and an evaluation of your needs with one of our staff in order to access Community Support services. Please also note that due to a lack of resources, we now have a waiting list. We apologize for the delays of response. We are trying to answer your requests in reasonable time.

For information about Community Support Services contact one of our staff.

Coordinator of Intervention workers:  514-933-7351 ext. 103

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